Daily Reports and Observations

Day 1: Group A is progressing well. The Ending is ready to begin. The variable, codenamed “Thomas”, was sent up in the Box. Initially displayed fear and confusion. Variable was assigned to Chuck (one month of experience). The subject witnessed the Changing of Ben. Confronted by Gally (Changed). Viewed the closing of the Doors. Subject’s desire to be a runner has taken hold. Conclusion of day one

Day two: The Variable was shown the Grievers by “Newt”, and given a tour by “Alby”. Variable, codenamed “Teresa”, was sent up in the Box. The subject was comatose, as per our expectations. Message was delivered: She’s the last one. Ever. Variable “Thomas” pursued an observational device into the Deadheads. The Variable was assaulted by “Ben” (now Changed). “Alby” neutralized “Ben”, saving the Variable. Conclusion of day two.

Day 3: the Variable spent the first day of work as a slicer. Encountered subject, codenamed “Minho” of the runner profession. Minho reported the discovery of a ‘dead’ Griever. Ben revealed to be alive. Banished from the Glade (survival time 1 hour and 16 minutes). Conclusion of day three.

Day 4: Variable’s attempt to become a runner was rebuffed. Worked as a track-hoe. The subject ventured into the Maze as the doors closed to save “Minho” and “Alby”. The Maze trial is progressing successfully. Variable managed to survive a full night in the Maze and save “Alby”. Conclusion of day four.

Day 5: “Alby” underwent the Changing. Conclusion of day five.

Day 6: the Variable was called to a Gathering. Sentenced to one day in the Slammer and was made a runner. The safety mechanism in the Serum kicked in before anything of significance was revealed. Variable “Teresa”, told Variable “Thomas” of the Ending telepathically, as planned. Variable “Thomas” displayed further proficiency as a runner. Conclusion of day six.

Day 7: Variable “Thomas” spent a full day in the Slammer. Conclusion of day seven.

Day 8: the Variable received training and a kit to equip him for the duties of a runner. The Ending was triggered. Conclusion of day eight.

Day 9: the sky has been switched off. The supplementation of necessities has ceased. The Variable and Minho discovered the Griever Hole. Teresa was awakened. Wrote ‘WICKED is good’. Doors to the maze remain open. First of the Griever Attacks (GA) Variables, Gally, was taken. Minho followed the Grievers to Griever Hole. Conclusion of day nine.

Day 10: Maps thought to be burnt by Alby. Injury is faked to avoid suspicion. Minho and Newt revealed to have hidden maps in weapons room before hand. Variables Teresa and Thomas solve the code. Variable Thomas discovers the start of our code. Variable and Minho spend night in the maze. Second GA executed, Variable, codenamed “Adam”, taken. Conclusion of day ten.

Day 11: Entire code has been cracked. The subjects are still unaware of its application. The Variable Thomas plans to sting himself to regain memories. Evening: Third GA, Variable codenamed “Dave”, taken. Thomas successfully stung. Conclusion of day eleven.

Day 12: Fourth GA, Variable, codenamed “James”, taken. Thomas is undergoing the Changing. Conclusion of day twelve.

Day 13: Fifth GA, Variable, codenamed “Zart”, taken. Thomas continues to undergo the Changing. Conclusion of day thirteen.

Day 14: Sixth GA, Variable, codenamed “Sam”, taken. Thomas continues to undergo the Changing. Conclusion of day fourteen.

Day 15: Thomas awakens and reveals the memories granted by us. A plan to enter Griever Hole and input code into the computer is formulated. Conclusion of day fifteen. Conclusion of stage 1.

Final Report: The Escape

Day 1: preparations for a planned escape are made. Impressive number of subjects elect to come. March towards the Cliff begins. Grievers surround the host of gladers as planned. The subject succeeds in slaying a Griever. Teresa and Chuck successfully input the code thereby disabling the Grievers. An estimate of the death toll is 50% of the host. Chuck successfully intercepts the assault of Gally on the subject. The emotional reaction of the subject has been noted.

Stage 2, “Escape”, commenced. All escapees successfully board bus. Test Explanation #1 given. The surviving Gladers are moved into Dormitory A. Conclusion of Group A report.

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