The Testing Grounds

Glade/testing grounds:
The Glade is a giant courtyard several times the size of a football field. The ground is stone with tuffs of grass sticking out from the cracks. The glade is a safe zone and someplace so people could rest before going into the maze. Its kind of like a home. they get food,supplies and directions from it. It is enclosed by the four walls that lead into the maze. The only way out are the doors on all four sides. The Glade is divided into four sections. The Homestead, The Bloodhouse, The Deadheads and the Gardens. The glade also includes The Box, The Slammer and the Map Room. The lead gates and walls are covered in the green ivy, only in the glade the walls and gates are covered in ivy. Infant the glade is the only place that is not made with just iron. The lead walls really make up the whole thing. The amount of walls In the maze is like the amount of water on earth.

The Forest/Graveyard


It was located in the southwest quarter of the glade. It has tall trees with sturdy trunks. They are packed closely together and with heavy foliage and thin branches. it was designed so there appears to be more movement than there actually is. The Subjects painted the grave markers white, with the names of the deceased carved into the wood. Some of them were almost completely overgrown with weeds. One of the graves is covered with glass, its sides covered with slime and filth. Inside was only top half of a rotting corpse, who was cut in half while trying to escape the Box. Words were etched on the glass: “Let this half-shank be a warning to all: You can’t escape through the Box Hole”.

One of Variables took place there, the Variable in which Subject Ben attacked Subject Thomas, and Subject Alby saved Subject Thomas by almost killing Subject Ben.


Map Room

map room

A concrete dark room with big metal doors; the source of a musty, wet smell. At the center was a wooden table with eight chairs tucked around it. It is very mysterious to most Subjects, as it was part of the Glade only a few Subjects had the access to. This was place where the subjects known as “Runners” tried to discover the way out of the Maze. Every day, after these particular Subjects come back from their run, they draw out the paths they had run that day on a big paper. Then, as a group, they try to analyze them with the hope of finding an exit. Several Subjects with access to this room are Subjects Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Alby.



It was a big block of roughly cut concrete, with one tiny, barred window and a wooden door that was locked with a menacing, rusty, metal latch. Inside of the room, there was only one piece of furniture, an old, rickety chair. The place is used in the Glade as a jail. A Subject who acted against the unspoken rules of the Glade had to spend an assigned period of time there dependent on the severity of the crime. For example, Thomas had to stay there for one day, as a punishment form going out into the Maze before he was made a Runner. However, in response to one of the last Variables, Gladers decided to keep Teresa for her own safety. A person who is locked inside, suffers boredom and complete isolation.

The Box href=””>20130301-103335.jpg
The black box brings 1 person to the glade and maze every month. In total there is around like 62 people in the glade, that means this project has been running for 60 or something month.the glade is up for about 5 years. Anyone that arrives have their memory erased. The black box is a gloomy scary dark place. It's scary because its dark. Whoever rides it is with no memory gets scared because of confusion. The box is in the middle of the glade and the glade is in the middle of the maze, the box is in the middle of everything. Thomas came with the box and saw chuck right outside, with no memory.



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